
The Lilac Plague, by Kristin J. Dawson

  1. In The Lilac Plague, Nicoleta was born an Azure Daisy because she’s the daughter of a scholar. In this kingdom, it’s difficult to move up the rungs of the class system. When in history have class systems existed? What countries?
  2. Nicoleta is afraid of being trapped in confined, dark spaces. Are there things from your past that cause you to be fearful of doing certain things? Do you find that your past influences your decisions?
  3. How would you describe Rubia as a mentor character? Compassionate, driven, fun-loving, or other? How do you think her patients viewed her? How do you think her neighbors viewed her? Who in your life might have a different reputation depending on the person you ask?
  4. When Marcus met Nicoleta and Rubia, he didn’t want to take them out of the city.  Why do you think he was hesitant? Are there times we are hesitant to help others in need? Are there times we should be cautious?
  5. Why do you think Mystic Marianna helped Nicoleta? What do you think would have happened if Marianna hadn’t given Nicoleta information or interceded on her behalf?
  6. How did Nicoleta’s goals change from the beginning of the story to the end? What did she want in the beginning, and how did that change?
  7. Who do you think is more accountable for Rubia’s torture? Emperor Cassus for ordering that she be questioned? Oslid, the Emperor’s warlock, for performing the magic? The bandits who captured and delivered her? Rubia’s fault, for traveling without proper security? Or someone else?
  8. Vahid, the Blood Conqueror’s warlock, lived two hundred years before Nicoleta was born. Yet, he and the emperor put things into motion that affected Nicoleta, her family, and her city. Will decisions that people make now affect generations to come? Are there decisions the policy makers are instituting right now that will impact people two hundred years from now?
  9. Did you think Nicoleta’s stutter would go away? Why or why not?
  10. What secret do you think Marcus hid from Nicoleta all the way through the book?
  11. There are several themes in The Lilac Plague, and one motif is “the unchosen can choose themselves.” In contrast, Harry Potter is marked by Voldemort, making him “the chosen one.” Do you think that people are destined to do great things? Or can people simply choose to be a hero, in whatever form that takes?
  12. If you could visit any town described in The Lilac Plague, which would it be? (You can refer to the map.) Why?
  13. If you could have any Getaen magic, which would it be? (You can refer to the front pages where the magic is listed.) Why?
  14. If you were making a movie of this book, what actors would you cast? Pick three characters and actors.
  15. Which character in this book would you most like to meet? And why?

Bonus Assignments

REWRITING: A lot of writing is editing or re-imagining a scene. Pick one of the two assignments below and give it a try!

A) Write a new ending by:

  • Picking up where the author left off and continuing with another chapter, or creating your own new ending. Be sure to use the same point-of-view character and a consistent tense as is used in the novel.
  • Make sure the changes are at least five paragraphs long. Proofread!

B) Change a scene:

  • Identify a pivotal plot point and change it. Be sure to use the same point-of-view character and a consistent tense as is used in the novel.
  • Make sure the changes are at least five paragraphs long. Proofread!

DESIGN: Often there will be a cover designer, cover artist, as well as an artist who creates a map for a book. Pick one of the two assignments below and give it a try!

A) Create your own book cover:

  • If you could design your own book cover for this novel, what would it look like? Create, draw, and color your own cover design.

B) Create a map:

  • This book comes with a map. Re-draw it in your own style, but be sure to include areas where plot points take place.  Remember to include elements like forests and rivers.
  • Create a key, noting four places where events took place on the map.